Welcome to DotSquash

Innovate, Grow and Transform

DotSquash Consulting is an IT and Business consulting firm which specializes in business transformation of traditional businesses to tech savvy firms. We provide consulting on various business aspects including business process optimization, human resources consulting, strategy changes, financial consulting, sales consulting, media, and marketing strategy development as well as from customer acquisition to product delivery. We cater to the whole business lifecycle and provide expert consulting in all the processes involved in business.

To transform business and as an IT consulting firm we provide tech solutions/applications to automate business and to create an online presence of business. Our services include website development, desktop/mobile application development, digital marketing, to provide business data models, regulatory reporting solutions and many more. We are a service provider to automate processes as per customer needs and demands.

    Tailored Campaigns

    Agreed KPIs

    Professional Team

    Innovative Approach

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Web Development

Mobile App Development

Human Resource Consulting

Business Transformation & Others

Web Development

A business becomes big through an idea but a business grows even bigger through broadcasting to a larger scale audience. So how would you do that? We at DotSquash Consulting are here to cater to your needs at your doorstep with just a click away. Come to us and we would help you transform your small knitted business platform highlight it to the world outside (nationally & globally) through world wide web (www). We would not only digitise your product or solution albeit we would also talk out loud about it to broader audience in the most sophisticated and lucrative manner. Yes, there are many others that would provide you with the same solution but definitely not as dedicatedly as we would without burning your pocket. Trust us, to believe us!

Mobile App Development

As we continue to move forward & evolve, we have always found ourselves in & around “conveyance”, somehow the good is compromised and the not-so-good solution/product takes over. Why? …because of conveyance and availability. With every product and solution lying in the hands of the people through their mobile devices in the form of apps, why would you lag behind to be part of it as well. DotSquash Consulting is the place for you. Just with the snap of your fingers, we would have your services/product running in the same stream of waters i.e. to every man’s finger tips. If you do not have any idea or clue on the display or look & feel of your app. We have handful of templates to choose from and have your app ready in the best possible way you want. Not only that, we can always preview your app before freezing out on your selection. Our experts/specialists would help you guide better in making your choices easier & better or making you more aware of the best solutions to pick from. So come to us.

Human Resource Consulting

With artificial intelligence kicking into our lives more aggressively than we had thought. I think the very second step after establishing yourself in the market is have yourself thinking on the kind of audience you would want to pick on. As it is extremely importance to throw the bread to the right mouth, we need to come up with an analytics that could do this job for you. DotSquash Consulting will help you fetch this data for you in the most ethical & renowned way. Having your parameters in place and the kind of people you would want to have your idea conveyed to, we have such analytics tool and apps that would cater to your needs. These analytics will definitely help you grow bigger in a sooner time. Come! try such solutions with us, aid your business growth.

Business Transformation & Others

You have a great opinion or an idea and you are scared to voice out due to your unconfident communication skills or is it that the language barrier that is stopping you from doing so. At DotSquash Consulting we become that voice of yours. We would mutate your idea, opinion, solution, etc with the same construct and built, into a language that is understood by all. We would help you fill up your digital gaps smoothly by following the best market standards. Using a language as a simple as that of a common man and more relatable or understandable.

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Client Says


You’re really good at obtaining first-hand customer information and using this information to improve our products and services. You should show the rest of us how you go about obtaining this information.

Our Plans


Basic plan

Website creation, Social Media account creation, Online presence, registration on E-market places and support for a year.

Rs 20,000

Standard Plan

Website creation (along with payment support), Social Media account creation, Online presence, registration on E-market places and Digital marketing support.

Rs 30,000

Premium Plan

Customized services for mobile application development, AI solutions, e-commerce platform creation, digital marketing and business process transformations.

Rs 50,000